On 29th July 2011 i suffered a Heart Attack aged 42. I was taken by a great caring female ambulance team from Frenchay hospital to the Bristol Heart Institute, part of the BRI in Bristol. Although i do not know their names i would like to thank this ambulance team, one of them in particular who stayed with my family at the hospital after her shift finished, supporting my family for several hours while i underwent treatment.
On arrival at the Bristol Heart Institute we were met by Dr Julian Strange and i was taken straight to one of their Catheter Laboratories. It was then discovered that i had 3 blocked arteries and what was supposed to be a more simpler procedure, was now a lot more complicated.
I then underwent an Angiogram where a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) wass passed into the blocked arteries. Using an x-ray, the catheter was directed through my blood vessels and into my heart.
A special dye was then be passed through the catheter and a series of x-rays taken. The dye then showed up the blockages in my arteries.
Then a small inflatable balloon was passed into my blocked arteries one at a time the balloon was then gently inflated so that it squashed the fatty tissue in my blocked artery, allowing the blood to flow again.
The catheter contained a stent, a small tube of stainless steel mesh. As the balloon was inflated, the stent expanded so that it held open the narrowed blood vessel. The balloon is let down and removed, leaving the stent in place. Dr Strange then repeated this procedure 7 times so as to increase my life chances. However a simple procedure that was expected to take 30 minutes had now turned in to a 3-4 hour procedure.
The procedure was then further complicated by me having multiple cariac arrests on the Cath table during the procedure. I understand my heart had to be shocked by a defibrillator 6 times due to my heart stopping. Being shocked by the defibrillator, i have to admit was the worst pain i have ever had in my life and on each occasion i felt like my body had been hit by a lorry at 90 mph, it was not a similar experience to that i have seen on these tv shows.
In total had my 4th heart attack, multiple caridiac arrest, 6 shocks from the defibrillator to restart my heart, 7 stents installed and 3 major arteries unblocked.
Technically i died several times i believe, and looking back at the punishment my heart took, there may have been other Doctors whom may have given up on me. But luckily for me i got Dr Julian Strange & his great team, and against all the odds they worked miracles and saved my life!
After the procedures i was still terrified that i was going to die. However Dr Strange gives off a certain reassurance and confidence in the way he deals his patients after care, that he builds up your belief and confidence and helps put your mind at rest and in turn relax.
Someone once asked me who was my inspiration in life, a person/s that i looked up to such as mother teresa, gandhi etc. Apart from my family i could not think of one person. However this has now changed and Dr Julian Strange is not only the person i look up to in life, but if not for him i would not be alive today to see my daughters and 3 grandchildren grow day by day. For what he has done i will always be greatful and never forget him and his team as long as i live. THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE!!!