The Cath Lab Team

A huge THANK YOU to the team who work in the Catheter Lab and assisted Dr Strange and whom also played a major part in saving my life with their expert treatment and care.
These people are often the unsung heroes and play a much bigger role in people's treatment compared to what you may see on the likes of Holby.
In particular i would like to thank two female memers of the team, unfortunately i cannot remember their names due to my condition and medication. However they were outstanding in their efforts over a number of hours, to keep me awake and kept me talking and distracted from the actual procedures taking place. This must have been a difficult task for them and they must have required a holiday afterwards as people regulary comment that i talk too much.  Also a massive gratitude also goes to a young male member of the team who's job it was to shock me with the defibrillator. These were the worst pains i have ever suffered in my life and it was seriously like i would imagine being hit by a lorry at 80 mph would feel. However i will always be eternally greatful to this young man, as without his interventions i would not be here today to tell the tale. Also thank you to the numerous other members of staff who assisted in saving my life in the Cath Lab early evening on Friday 29th July 2011. As you are probably aware from your experiences, i am not in a position to remember the names of all individuals. But a huge thank you to you all and if any of you ever come accross this page and remember being part of the team that treated an over talkative Scottish man on this day, then please contact me so as i can thank you personally.

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